
Braddon’s fawned-over Eighty-six might not scream out as the ideal date spot for a romantic dinner – it’s frequently bubbling with human traffic and is cloaked in an understated grey fit-out – but the experience nonetheless invites intimacy with sharing encouraged between diners. And then there’s the food. Eighty-six’s meals make for memorable evenings regardless of the company you’re keeping – from past hits like gnocchi with lamb, capsicum and anchovy ragu to newer favourites including charcoal chicken and the caramel popcorn sundae. Just make sure you get your order in before it’s “eighty-sixed” (restaurant speak for a dish removed from the menu due to short supply).
For much of its existence the inner-north suburb of Braddon, adjacent to Canberra’s CBD, was known for little more than car yards and petrol stations. In recent years, however, the area has transformed to become a genuinely thriving hub of boutique stores, restaurants and cafes.
Eighty-six | Elouera Street, Mode 3 Building, Braddon | +61 2 6161 8686